History of Art and Architecture


Vuk Vuković Moderates SCAH Program on Video Art in Latin America

Graduate student Vuk Vuković moderated a Society of Contemporary Art Historian's program with Elena Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips

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Cubas Appointed Internship at Guggenheim Collection in Venice

Museum Studies undergraduate Celia Maiers Cubas has received an internship at the Guggenheim Collection in Venice this fall.

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Diana Flatto Artist Talk with Alejandro Corujeira Published

Graduate student Diana Flatto participated in Hutchinson Modern & Contemporary’s HM&C Art Talks

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Joshua Ellenbogen Speaker on Picturing Knowledge Podcast

Recently, the podcast “Picturing Knowledge” invited Joshua Ellenbogen to discuss the composite photographs of Francis Galton. 

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Zixiao Huang Receives the Kress Fellowship at the Middlebury Language School

Graduate student Zixiao Huang is one of the five recipients of the Kress Fellowship, awarded each year by the Middlebury Language School.

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The University of Utah Publishes Paula Kupfer's Article

Kupfer's article, "Variations on Landscape, Environment, and History: Lola Álvarez Bravo's Paisajes de México (1954)" was recently published Dialectic, vol. X, a peer-review journal of the School of Architecture at the University of Utah. 

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Jennifer Josten Moderates Carnegie International Discussion

On January 26, 2023 Jennifer Josten moderated a discussion with Ignacia Bizkupovic, Head of Community Engagement in the Public Programs Area of the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende in Santiago, Chile. 

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Kathryn Carney Receives DAAD German Studies Research Grant

Graduate student Kathryn Carney was recently awarded a German Studies Research Grant by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to conduct research at the Bundesarchiv film archives in Berlin this coming summer.

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Rebecca Lowery Presents at Newberry Library Conference

Graduate student Rebecca Lowery will present her MA research at the 2023 Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference in Premodern Studies at the Newberry Library in Chicago.

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Claire Ptaschinski Chairs Panel at Newberry Library Conference

Claire Ptaschinski chairs a panel on "Nature and Mutability" for the 2023 Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference in Premodern Studies at the Newberry Library in Chicago.

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