History of Art and Architecture

HAA Major Requirements

The HAA Major requires the completion of 29 credits.  An intensive major option (38 credits) also exists and is highly recommended for students whose only major is HAA and/or who see to embark on arts related careers.  Students can also graduate with honors from the department by completing an independent thesis or project.

Please see the most up to date major checklist here


HAA MAJOR CHECKLIST (29 credits for Standard Major, 38 for Intensive Track):

CORE COURSES (11 credits)

HAA 0010 Introduction to World Art or ARC 0112 Global Architecture 1: Permodern or ARC 0116 Global Architecure 2: Modern or ARC 0150 Introduction to Western Architecture

HAA 0101 Foundations in Art History or ARC 0110 Approaches to the Built Environment

HAA 0102 Pro-Seminar for Majors (1 credit, take twice)

HAA 1010 Approaches to Art History or ARC 1160 Architecture: Image, Text, Theory


At least one course in each of these categories:

  • Ancient
  • Asian
  • Europe pre-1750
  • Modern or Contemporary
  • Comparative/World


Beyond the core course HAA 1010, standard majors must take an additional two courses at the 1000-level. Students pursuing the Intensive-track option should take four additional courses at the 1000-level. These can overlap with the Breadth requirements (for example, HAA 1110: Greek Art would be both an "Ancient" and 1000-level course.)  Courses applied to the 1000-level requirement must be letter-grade courses (HAA 1901, HAA 1904, HAA 1905, and HAA 1909 do not count). 


Students may elect to take one of the following courses toward completion of the HAA major:

  • SA 0120 Painting Studio 1
  • SA 0130 Drawing Studio 1
  • SA 0140 Sculpture Studion 1
  • SA 0180 Digital Studio: Photography


Students can graduate with honors from the program if they:

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.5 in departmental courses
  • Complete HAA 1950 Honors Thesis with a minimum grade of A- or higher
  • Complete HAA 1951 Honors Thesis Seminar

NOTE: HAA 1950 can be applied toward the 1000-level requirements for the major.



Grade Requirements:

A minimum GPA of 2.0 in departmental courses is required for graduation.

Satisfactory/No Credit option:

Majors may not take courses toward the major with the S/NC option.  However, we do encourage our majors to engage in supplementary experiential learning opportunities such as teaching and research assistantships and internships.  These can be taken for general elective credit toward graduation and are offered through the S/NC grading option (HAA 1904 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship, HAA 1905: Museum Studies Internship, and HAA 1909: Undergraduate Research Assistantship). 

Writing (W) Requirement:

Students must complete one W-course in the major (ordinarily HAA 1010).  Students who complete the Honors Thesis (HAA 1950) can use that toward the second Dietrich School of Arts and Science’s W-course requirement. 

Related Area Requirement:

  • All students must develop a related area (a minimum of 12 credits outside their major) on the basis of their own interests and goals. For students who wish to attend graduate school in art history, for example, ancient or modern languages, cultural and intellectual history, sociology, and/or anthropology are advised depending upon the area of interest. For students with an interest in marketing, studio arts (especially design) or communications would be helpful. For those interested in graduate programs in art conservation, chemistry (general and organic) is required.  Our advisor is eager to assist students in designing an appropriate plan.
  • Certificate programs (through the Dietrich School, UCIS, or College of General Studies) can also satisfy the related area requirement. Of particular interest to HAA majors are Film and Media Studies; German Language; Jewish Studies; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies; Asian Studies; African Studies; Latin American Studies; West European Studies; Russian and East European Studies; Global Studies; Public and Professional Writing; and Nonprofit Management (through CGS). Students should be cautioned that business courses will only be accepted by Arts and Sciences toward the related area requirement if the student earns a double major.