History of Art and Architecture

Hot Metal Bridge Fellow Camila Aguayo


Camila is currently a Hot Metal Bridge Fellow in the department of History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh. Armed with a unique academic background, she recently graduated with a B.A. in Art History and a B.S. in Marketing, combining analytical acumen with a profound appreciation for art and culture. Camila’s interests are centered around the effects of Spanish colonialism on the island of Puerto Rico and how it shaped the island’s national identity in the 18th and 19th century. Through her research, she has focused on the intersections between race, class, identity, and history, unveiling how colonial legacies have influenced the material and visual culture produced on the island. By examining Puerto Rico’s complex history through a decolonized lens, Camila critically examines the island’s past and challenges the preconceive notions of its historical narrative